AI4CYBER had the pleasure to join the ENCRYPT project Horizon Clustering event on 1 June 2023 held in hybrid format in Procida, Italy and online.

During the event, the AI4CYBER coordinator Ms Erkuden Rios (TECNALIA) presented our project to the ENCRYPT consortium and to representatives of the CROSSCON, CERTIFY, AI4CYBER, TRUSTEE, and KINAITICS projects and discussed with them potential synergies and joint activities. She also had the opportunity to hear about each project’s vision, objectives, technologies and use cases.

Following the presentations, the second part of the workshop focused on the commonalities and potential joint activities between the six projects. Among others, the organisation of joint events such as hackathons and webinars and the drafting of a joint paper were discussed.

AI4CYBER is looking forward to continuing this cooperation. More information about the workshop and the ENCRYPT project can be found here.