AI4VULN – Code testing

An open-source solution to automatic identification and verification of vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the code with much higher accuracy rate than existing vulnerability analysis solutions thanks to applying symbolic execution and the use of AI to support scalability. 

AI4FIX – Vulnerability fixing

A fully open-source end-to-end vulnerability fixing solution supporting Java, bringing automatic unit testing of proposed fixes, which enables to shift the fixing of the vulnerability much earlier in the software development flow, which in turn saves development time and reworks. 


AI4AICTI - Cyber Threat Intelligence improvement

An advanced solution that offers latest AI-powered Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) to detection and threat simulation tools for raising their efficiency, including data of both AML attacks and AI-boosted attacks.

AI4SIM - Threat Simulation

An Advanced cyberattacks simulation solution capable to simulate advanced and AI-powered attacks against IT, OT and IoT systems depending on the customer needs.

AI4FIDS – Federated Detection of threats

A high-performance and accuracy detection solution for Advanced and AI-powered attacks detection in distributed environments where privacy of data processed by detection agents need to be kept.

AI4TRIAGE – Incident triage

AI-based root cause analysis and alert triage to prioritize events to focus on the response.


AI4SOAR – Security Orchestration,Automation Response

AI-powered Security Orchestration, Automation and Response solution capable to deploy multiple security controls at different layers of the system for better react against cyber incidents and attacks.

AI4DECEIVE – Deception and honeypots

The intelligent deception mechanisms that will enrich the response of the AI4SOAR.

AI4ADAPT – Long term adaptation

The service that will enrich the AI4SOAR with long-term response based on self-learning the system status and the efficiency of the security controls deployed. 

AI4COLLAB –Information sharing and collaboration

The service for automatic anonymous sharing of incident information. 


TRUST4AI - Trustworthiness of AI

A set of highly innovative methods and models ensuring trustworthiness of AI systems.