It is a great pleasure to announce that AI4CYBER will be participating in the 18th International Conference on Information Security (18ENISE ), the main international event in Spain for the cybersecurity industry, to be held on 21-23 October in León.

On October 23, the AI4CYBER project manager, Erkuden Rios, will be part of the panel entitled ⚡ “New technologies and strategies at the service of cybersecurity incident management” 📣 and where she will have the opportunity to discuss with the experts on the challenges and impact of the latest AI developments on the cyber incident management solutions. The panel experts will be the following:

🔶 Patricia Alonso, Manager / INCIBE CERT
🔶 Santiago González González, Chief of the Data Center Technical Office / National Police.
🔶 Erkuden Rios, Project Manager / TECNALIA Research & Innovation

Chair: Manuel González Bedía, General Director of Strategic Planning in Advanced Digital Technologies and New Economy of Language/ Ministry for the Digital Transformation and Civil Service.

Thank you so much to the organisation team for the invitation!

See you in 18ENISE !