We are glad to inform you that the First International workshop on the DesiGn, VeRificAtion, and VALidation of IoT Systems was successfully held yesterday, November 06, 2024, in Sophia Antipolis, France.

The event merged two scientific workshops, GRAAL4IoT and STAND4IoT, which were organized around joint sessions to allow better interaction between their communities. As part of the sessions, the audience was able to listen to two outstanding keynotes by Enrico Scarrone (Telecom Italia) and Valentina Casola (University of Naples), who are experts in IoT standards, systems security design, verification and validation.

Along the day, a total of 5 scientific papers were presented on the research of IoT ecosystem cybersecurity, including real-time communications with GPU acceleration, digital twins of IoT equipped systems, threats to IoT device production, and IoT security in 6G.

The AI4CYBER project is honoured to have sponsored the event together with DYNABIC, COGNIMAN, NATWORK, ERATOSTHENES and ENTRUST projects.

All projects were presented during a two-hour session dedicated and their associated posters will be shown during the whole IFI IoT conference.